Real Housewives - Round 1 Gretchen vs. Tamra

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Real Housewives of Orange returned to the airwaves tonight with Vicki, Lynne, Gretchen, Tamra, and Jeana. the first episode, Vicki went skydiving with her kids.  She sported heels to the jump site and started talking about life insurance.  Vicki got to check it off her bucket list, but she said she’ll never do it again.  In other Vicki news, she and Don are working on their marriage.  Last season, Vicki’s love tank was empty, but now they’re both working on their love tanks and just trying to mellow out.
Vicki is still great friends with Tamra, but they haven’t been spending as much time together.  Vicki thinks it’s because Tamra’s husband, Simon, is so controlling.  Tamra said her marriage is under a lot of stress these days.  They’re having some money troubles.

Jeana is also experiencing money troubles.  She asked her son to help her budget her money and he said she doesn’t listen.  As a result of the money troubles, Jeana had to put her house on the market.  She’s not sure if it will sell, but she has to try.  Times must really be hard because Jeana apparently called Vicki to borrow money.  Vicki declined and said she hasn’t heard from Jeana since then.  Jeana said she thought Vicki was her friend, but when times are hard you find out who your real friends are.
Lynne wanted to bring the girls together as friends.  With her jewelry line taking off she decided to have a party and invited all of the housewives.  There was drama between Gretchen and Tamra at the party.  They started arguing across the dinner table calling each other “hooker” and “whore”.  Tamra brought up all the scandal from Gretchen’s past referencing scandalous nudie pictures and accusing Gretchen of preying on old men.  Am I the only person that thinks this entire feud is based on petty jealous?  I mean why does Tamra care what Gretchen’s doing?  If you ask me they’re both playing the victim with the you said this about me and you said that about me.  Gretchen  told Tamra to shut the F up!  This dinner party is to be continued  . .  .

Posted by 7Hungama.c0m at 2:09 AM


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