House Democrat Fools Pass Healthcare Bill

Sunday, November 8, 2009

These fools running Congress have no idea what they have just unleashed on this country. Several Democrat leaders extolled the wonders encased inside the ObamaCare Bill that just passed the House this evening. I find myself wondering what exactly they are referring to. Could it be the unconstitutional individual mandate that will fine and jail people for not purchasing health insurance? Or is it the part that prevents people from purchasing private insurance after 2013? How about the $1.2 trillion price tag? Or is it the funding of veterinarian education? The huge cuts to Medicare and dismantling of Medicare Advantage perhaps? The soon to come rationing and control of our bodies by the government maybe? No, I’m sure it is the 111 new bureaucracies this bill sets up.
The House passed the bill in a 220-215 vote.  One Republican RINO joined the ranks of the Democrats to give PlastiGirl the ability to claim that the bill is bi-partisan and that was Joseph Cao from Louisiana.  Thirty-nine Democrats stood for some principles and voted against the bill.  It is believed that the “magic bullet” that helped get the bill passed was the passage of Rep. Bart Stupak’s (D-Mich.) amendment, which barred plans that cover abortion from receiving federal subsidies.  This helped convince some Blue Dog Democrats to vote “yes”.
On a day that we commemorate the fall of the Iron Curtain, we just watched the House begin building one here in America.  This is a sad day indeed for America.

Posted by 7Hungama.c0m at 6:51 AM


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