Elizabeth Lambert - Girls Soccer's Loco Lobo - Is a Great Role Model

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Eddie White, of Kravitz & Eddie on 1070 The Fan, is right more than he's wrong, but in saying that Liz Lam should be banned from playing women's soccer at the University of New Mexico; he's completely missed the point.

While it's easy to paint Liz as some hysterical loose cannon hell-bent on wrecking havoc on all who cross her path, she deserves to be seen as a fierce competitor looking for an advantage.

I missed Liz on the Today Show, but hope she didn't apologize or capitulate in any way. She hasn't asked me for advice in dealing with the media, but I'm in a giving mood.

No doubt, she will be asked to appear on any number of shows or participate in hundreds of interviews. Liz should accept all requests, and then take total ownership of her behavior. Here is a sample of the tack she should take in every interview:

Interviewer: Have you apologized to the Brigham Young players you attacked?

EL: First, let's be clear about this - I attacked no one. I competed. Second - whatever conversations I may have had with anyone from BYU are none of your business.

Int: Would you care to apologize to the millions who were appalled by your performance in the MWC semifinals?

EL: No. And you want to know why? Because that's the way I roll. (Looking into the camera) You want to try to score on the Lobos? Pack a lunch and grow a sack because you are going to have to come through me, and I'm going to be there all day. (Turn to the interviewer) You think all these lights and cameras are going to turn me into some repentant and whiny sack of tear-soaked, quivering blubber? Think again, Uncle Nimrod. This is who I am, and that video is what I do. You don't like it? Get over yourself.

Int: Are you really saying that you'll do that again if given the opportunity?

EL: Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm not fun to play against. If that scares the girls of the Mountain West Conference, that's too bad.

That's it. Take the microphone off and walk out. Done. Matt Lauer's win this morning on the Today Show was to make you cry. He wants to humanize you. Don't let that happen. Don't give him the satisfaction. Hold your inner bad-ass close and don't give her up for anyone - especially not a dithering boob like Lauer. He loves to take easy shots at people unsure of themselves in the media, so I hope you looked him in the eye and told him to get bent.

Lambert has a chance to carve a niche for herself in the American cultural landscape. Fame has been thrust upon her, and that can be uncomfortable. Battling through that discomfort is a challenge, but it can be lucrative and fun. She should embrace this opportunity and ride the wave as long as she can. Or at least be honest. Anyone who did what she did as many times as Lambert did it can't come out and say that it was a momentary lapse of judgment unless that moment lasted through damn near the whole game.

That noise Liz hears is opportunity knocking. To apologize would reveal her as normal. You don't make a name for yourself or any cash by being normal.

Be strong, Liz. You can teach all of us about how to use the media rather than be manipulated by it. If Oprah calls, tell her you're busy. If she can get Tom Cruise to jump up and down on a couch, she can reduce you to tears with a single critical glance.

Posted by 7Hungama.c0m at 6:12 AM


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